One platform, infinite possibilities.

Real-World Results.
Proven Solutions.

Discover how Aperitisoft is an intelligent, integrated solution—from enterprise risk management to GRC— that empowers organizations to achieve measurable ROI.

Enterprise Risk Management

Streamline your risk management process with our intelligent, purpose-built platform. Aperitisoft combines functionality, scalability, and affordability to analyze risks both qualitatively and quantitatively with ease, or leverage Monte Carlo simulation. 

Powered by our innovative Assessment Engine architecture, this solution reflects how risk management operates in the real world—delivering simplicity, speed, and actionable insights. In one year, one Fortune 500 client transformed a loss-generating division into a $15 million profit center.

What could our risk management software achieve for you?

Cyber Security Compliance

Stay one step ahead of cyber threats while meeting compliance standards. Aperitisoft™ helps you meet any of your cybersecurity compliance needs in one place. Our solutions streamline the process, helping you save up to 75% of the time typically required for certification.

Solutions include: 

  • CMMC
  • SOC2
  • FedRamp
  • NIST SP800-53R5
  • NIST SP800-171
  • ISO27001
  • CIS18V8
  • Many others

Aperitisoft™ empowers your team with the solutions to ensure compliance—without complexity.

Governance Risk & Compliance (GRC)

Finally, an intelligent, integrated GRC solution that delivers real value. Aperitisoft™ blends IT and risk assessment into a unified platform, letting you analyze risks quantitatively.

Our solution has transformed industries, including one manufacturer that turned a $13 million investment into a $57 million annual revenue stream. When risk and compliance are managed effectively, the results speak for themselves.


In partnership with Profectus Professional Services, LLC, Aperitisoft developed AperitisoftHealthcare, an intelligent Quality Management software system designed to revolutionize healthcare operations.

From Incident Management to CAPA and Document Control, AperitisoftHealthcare delivers a comprehensive, modern healthcare solution. With advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, including a game-changing Incident Triage feature, AperitisoftHealthcare simplifies operations while cutting costs.


Business Turn-Around


MANUFACTURING – the Latin American Division of a Fortune 500 Conglomerate had returned 5 consecutive years of Operating Losses with the last year being a $15 Million loss.  The Division covered 15 countries and 4 languages. Convinced they understood the issues, Management devised a strategy that (they believed) would rectify the problems.

Solution Strategy


Identify, analyze and evaluate the risks to the new Strategy and Strategic Targets.


Deploy Monte Carlo Simulation to results-based estimates of each risk in dollar terms.


Modify the Plan to address the Key Risks identified and monitor Key Risks and progress.



Case Summary

First, to assure the will of the CEO would not overpower the Strategic Risk Assessment (SRA), the Lead Consultant privately asked the CEO to write down on a 5×7 card the Top 5 risks he felt could effect performance (the same risks incorporated into the new Strategic Plan) and asked him to abstain from the SRA workshops. Business Unit leaders from every country participated in the workshop. Of the 50 identified risks only 7 produced 80% of the impact, measured as a result of the quantitative analysis. Once the analysis results were in, the CEO was asked to reveal the 5 risks he had written down. None of his risks were even in the Top 20. He openly admitted that “without proper risk analysis the squeaky wheel will always get the grease, but it may not be the reason the car is broken down.” He immediately ordered the Strategic Plan to be revised to address the Key Risks identified.

The Results

With a new Plan and close monitoring of the Key Risks and risk response measures every month, the Latin American Division finished out the year with a $15 Million profit – a $30 MILLION TURN-AROUND in only 12 months. The Division maintained their good performance by leveraging an Enterprise Risk Management program and by adopting ARQ to monitor cost of risk and measure risk management effectiveness with every financial close.

CASE Review : Business Turn-Around

It Has Been Said…

“Life is inherently risky.” – Denis Waitely 

There is no way to avoid risk – the only way is to engage in risk management. Don’t be held back by fear or doubt—contact us!

In just a minute, we can link you to the right ERM software for you.


Root Cause Discovery


CLOTHING & SHOES DESIGNER, MANUFACTURER & RETAILER – the Company has been experiencing a 3 year history of volatile revenue and earnings performance.  Revenues are currently around $500 Million. The CEO, owner and namesake is convinced that the historical fluctuations are solely due to design issues and lack of enough higher end product.

Solution Strategy


Decipher 16 quarters of historical financial results to establish a cost of risk (COR) baseline of the company.


Identify the events (negative and positive) that caused the Core Performance variances calculated in the Baseline.


Analyze the results to ascertain connections between risks, risk management and performance.



Engagement Summary

Utilizing the Aperitisoft, the last 16 quarters of financial results and budget data were uploaded and deciphered. Decipher workshops with key management personnel were conducted to create the decipher template for Cost of Risk. Management found value in the decipher process itself – in how it changed their thinking about expenditures and resource allocation. Results from the decipher are immediate in the system, so the major findings and anomalies were identified right away. Management were asked independently in interviews to divulge the events that were behind the core business variances and explain anomalies. With all data entered into the system, the root causes of the performance volatility were obvious to recognize.

The Results

Data analytics revealed that product design and inventory did not match with demand through any of the company’s channels to market. This was at the root of the volatility. Although the CEO had strong feelings about making his company a “high end” brand, his customers had a different idea. Brand reputation was strong and customer demand for a certain group of products was constant, however, their “high-end” designs were not being received at higher prices. Realizing that the process for the design-to-distribution process was driven by “gut feel”, not data, the company devised a multi-pronged response strategy that included front-end market research and more targeted marketing campaigns to increase demand. This $13 Million strategy closed the gaps in volatility, generating $57 MILLION IN NEW, GROWING & STABLE REVENUE.

CASE Review : Root Cause Discovery

Did You Know That…

An analysis by a Fortune 50 company revealed that a 10% reduction in earnings volatility yielded a 20% improvement in P-E Ratio. But the business climate is becoming more volatile. It’s no wonder businesses struggle to perform consistently.

Contact us, we’ve got this!


Measurable Results


GOVERNMENT AGENCY – as a $280 Million State Agency reached a critical mass of conservation land holdings, the Governing Board and constituents grew concerned over the cost effectiveness of the Agency’s risk management activities.  Public complaint painted a certain picture in the media, but it lacked facts.

Solution Strategy


Conduct an enterprise risk assessment (ERA) of the programs involving Conservation Land Holdings.


Deploy Monte Carlo Simulation to results-based estimates of each risk in dollar terms.


Analyze the results to ascertain connections between risks, risk management and performance.



Engagement Summary

Utilizing manual survey tools & techniques, program leads and managers were polled to identify the risks impacting Land Holding Perception. A risk assessment workshop was then conducted to vet the risks and analyse each one quantitatively. The analysis was done considering the current state (current controls and risk management activity) and in the inherent state (assuming no controls existed). To save time, the Aperitisoft survey tool could have been used to enable each participant to weigh-in electronically using their laptop or device. Results would have been calculated automatically. A baseline of cost of risk (COR) was done using Aperitisoft. The Decipher process gave leadership a new perspective about risks, resource allocation and performance.

The Results

The COR baseline revealed that the Agency has been spending $6 Million annually to address Land Holdings risks. The ERA quantitatively measured the Inherent Risk Level to be $28 Million higher than the Current Risk Level. This means a $6 MILLION ANNUAL INVESTMENT YIELDS A $28 MILLION BENEFIT! New Key Risks were also identified that could drive additional benefits through Risk Response action.

Did You Know That…

Regulatory and governance mandates require boards and senior managers to take a closer look at Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). They are demanding better control of uncertainty. Further, there is never ending pressure for a ROI on any investment. There hasn’t been an ERM solution yet that could measure the cost benefits of ERM itself in dollar terms… until now! Have the best of both worlds with AperitisoftTM


Healthcare Solutions


HEALTHCARE & LONG-TERM CARE – the Company had been experiencing a high level of incidents causing injury to residents resulting in hospital visits. The level of staff turnover was problematic due to constant chaos from issues happening causing morale and stress for staff.

Solution Strategy


Utilize 2023 manually reported incidents to determine a baseline risk assessment for various categories of incidents for the company.


Identify the incidents that caused the Core Performance variances calculated in the Baseline.


Analyze the incidents to determine root cause of incidents.


Engagement Summary

Utilizing Aperitisoft Healthcare incident management module, the 2023 incidents were loaded into the system. They were categorized to be able to decipher which categories were driving the greatest risk. The highest risk categories were prioritized for Corrective Action Plans (CAPAs). Individual corrective action plans were developed and assigned to each incident. Also, action plan and individual milestone owners were assigned, along with due dates, thereby automating the planning and management of the corrective action process. 

 The Company was very focused on the biggest bang for the buck to get incident CAPAs in place and prevent those categories of incidents from happening again. Some of the areas with the greatest incidents were in the areas of falls, infection control, skin tears and bedsores.

The Results

Data analytics revealed that the sharp prioritization of high-risk categories significantly reduced the overall risk exposure for the Company. In the category of
falls, a 433% monthly reduction was experienced in 2024. 

Overall, the implementation of the Aperitisoft Healthcare system has vastly improved the Company’s ability to manage risk and not let things just happen as
surprises. The Company focused on managing the risk and mitigating risk to improve the business. This shift has improved the Quality & Compliance program and it is prevalent in every aspect of the business to improve resident census through a strong reputation, lower costs, reduce legal exposure, reduce insurance premiums and reduce staff burnout and turnover and the associated costs and impacts.

Did you know that…

When you work Aperitisoft, you also have access to ARQ Technology, a groundbreaking patented software tool that uncovers the hidden cost of risk, which is a critical factor often missed by traditional accounting. By using a patented cost accounting method, it isolates these costs from your core business, giving you a clear and accurate view of your financial and risk management performance. Think of it as creating a “5th Financial Statement” that links risk and financial results, empowering you with actionable insights to improve your bottom line. We’ve thought of it all, and it’s all available on one platform. Contact us today for a demo and we’ll walk you through how easy it can be!